TURTLES Coin Hb4DNY8B9rZ5CpTA98mjTJqYXWtaKfwk879zYTdEpump
TURTLES Coin Hb4DNY8B9rZ5CpTA98mjTJqYXWtaKfwk879zYTdEpump. The first ever meme message to appear on any Blockchain was on the 6/8/2011 17:15:11, over 13 years ago. A message by the person who mined Block ID 139,838. You can view this using https://messagesfromthemines.brangerbriz.com/ and navigating to 8/11288 in the archive. The transaction hash is 78eb16507b3d3df615e3b474e853db4667f4b11954ec6d918b1ded0fca7ad25a. Use this website to remember the importance of immutability, navigate the art, poetry and links to important information such as wikileaks. what goes on chain stays on chain. This is the original Bitcoin message because it is the first ever message to be found on any blockchain, it is not some hype riding off a potential bitcoin founder, think for yourself for once anon. The only reason people want you to believe that Len Sassaman is satoshi is to give Hedge fund ETF investors closure and confidence in the fact that the one person who has the potential to rug bitcoin is dead and cannot pull the Liquidity. #SatoshiLives.
TURTLES Coin Market Cap: $95,992